The new Tekov region logotype

Region Tekov – logotype

The Regional Board of Tekov wanted to change its branding and base it on folk motives. That is why we have chosen to use the tulip ornament for the new logo design. Together with the logotype I have also designed ornamental motives, that can be used in various printed and web publications. The new identity […]

Kraj moruše čiernej

Pukanská moruša

Pukanská moruša is a regional speciality – a mulberry tree typical for Pukanec area. Tekov Tourist Board began organizing a festival of this speciality and they wanted to create a regional brand for it. I’ve designed their logo. The tree itself is know to split in two halves and touch the ground with it’s branches […]

OOCR Tekov logo navrhy

OOCR Tekov logo+web

Tekov Tourist Board supports tourism in the Tekov area (round the city of Levice). For this newly established organization I’ve designed a logo and set up their website too at