Nitra Tourist Board

Nitra Tourist Board web redesign

After several years of service there came the need for a redesign of the website. The work included also creative writing and content editing. We have set up several new sections with tailor made travel tips in the Nitra area.

Nitra Tourist Board web screenshot

Nitra Tourist Board web

Nitra Tourist Board had their website based on WordPress, but it was not optimized. While speeding it up we ended up with a complete redesign. piktogramy

Elektrony webshop icons

Webshop needed some icons for their wheel rims. They needed to show various features in a simplified graphic way. I’ve created a set of icons and supplied them to the customer in SVG, PNG and webfont format, so they can use it in optimized way.

OOCR Tekov logo navrhy

OOCR Tekov logo+web

Tekov Tourist Board supports tourism in the Tekov area (round the city of Levice). For this newly established organization I’ve designed a logo and set up their website too at 2016 redesign

Full redesign of

As is happens, my own projects sometimes get neglected because of family, other client projects or just some house duties. This was the case with my own foodblog

Safe Travelling, website

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Bratislava had a static website Bezpečné cestovanie (Safe Travelling) to raise awareness about risks of trafficking when traveling to unknown destinations. They wanted to be able to manage their site on their own, plus add a few extra functions. After deploying WordPress for this job, we also added a Travel […]

Regional food festival in Nitra

Nitra Tourism Board asked me to help organize a food festival. The previously used name for this event was Strawberry Nitra, this year we added Festival of tastes. Part of my job was to create a new concept for this large event, by picking only local gastronomy businesses. Communicating with media, public relations and works […]

Homo Asapiens, website

Rado Ondřejíček is a creative director and author of two books and satirical blog Cynická obluda. For his latest book called Homo Asapiens I’ve created a microsite, which is fully responsive and easy to manage.

Piano Café

Piano Café, website

This restaurant is the place I used to work as a waiter during my university studies. Ever since the owners became my very good friends. 15 years after I’ve helped them build a new website.

Jandl Website

Jandl, website redesign

Jandl is the largest Slovak ad agency. I have helped them to redesign their company website from provided graphic layout. The site is fully responsive with some custom functions.

Atlas komunít

Atlas komunít, website

Atlas komunít is about communities of migrants in Slovakia, their culture, habits and food. I have created a responsive website based on commercial theme, which had to be adjusted.